today's an awesome day. report at 9, meet junru at 8, to suck lolipop, haha. i was damn early, while waiting outside GO, saw Sidhesh, Yuheng walk past. and amazingly, they all waved, cool. went class, create some trouble then went to hall for celebration. MR dunno what, someone from discipline comm, warned me first, complained i was too noisy, stare at me. i stared him back and gave him the face that, u think ur eyes big ah? cos i was sitting in front of meihui, sujie, ginola and joel, obviously, you know. floorball comp, we came in 2nd, joel and ginola was suaning me throughout. i guess i dont have to elaborate. kenna caught 2nd time, then he was like, u better shut up0 or i drag u out(hand sign) and i was like come la. you dare to touch me, i kick your ass. then cos i saving place for junru, jasmine and elaine, then again, joel...haha. i dont wanna elaborate. OH OH, went school hopping, but only hopped to pei chun. haha, explored it, and yea, i was like, woah. with junru, pearlyn, elaine and jasmine. wanted to go back to chongfu with jasmine but in the end called shibei and realised that school's closed, tsk. -.- AND AND, almost the whole of 1 faith wore the class tee!!! yay!! i will be laughing in my sleep tonihgt...heehee. cant imagine the guys wore, amazing.
went to BK to meet the 6 gra-ians. XianHao, Cheng Hung, Kai Gi, Shi Bei, Zhang Yu, Clevence, Yu Cong, Nicole, Isaac and shermaine were there alrdy. Jermaine, Jian LIn and See Ying came to meet us later. Mr ng too. mr ng treated BK to those who got above 243 or 244 and obviously, i wasnt treated. -.- after went kaijun's place. skip what happened there, but it was damn fun with isaac being damn gross. HAHAHA! yucong and zhangyu left early and i left a bit later to meet elaine, to accompany her to buy trackpants. wanted to meet at 5 at first, but dur to some misunderstandings, we met at ard 5.45. haha. invaded Daiso, which we bought a lot of stuff. well.. then created trouble at Giant. omgosh, i sound so evil. haha, but who cares.
finally went home at 8. reached home at like ard! long time didn dinner outside with friends and return home so late. and obviously when debbie and elaine is together, secrets are shared. hahaha!
i have got problems. let me analyze this: let the BOY be B and the GIRL be G. (any similarity to anyone is pure coincidence, so dont think too much.)
B likes G. but G. has some probs with me now and she feels that i hate her when in fact i didn even told her or even hint. i am pretty close to B and then G gives me the feeling that she is trying to get B's attention and get B to tell me how she feels. G is like so , attention-seeker, same as her cousin. B came to talk to me abt it, misunderstandings occur and i feel that B is not supporting me. his blinded by the power of love. he is in the state that he doesnt even know whats right and wrong. he doesnt even know he changed, but not into a nice way. his not the persoon i knew before, the one who always talks to me eveyrday, day and night, listening to my rants and problems, his always telling me stuff that makes have a good laugh. we are the best of buddies, sharing the biggest secrets of the world. we trust each other so much, supporting each other always. for the past 6 months, we msg each other everyday, day and night. and i cant believe, just for the sake of love, he didn support his own buddy. i am disappointed in you. i am soo sorry but my confidence in you has ended.
oh, and i am feeling damn guilty now cos i told cornelia and Janice to be a baddy and lie. haha, omgosh, can u believe it? i told cornelia to be more firm so that her friends will listen to her as she is the chairwoman. i told Janice to lie to her friend that she had no money left to buy the cup for tecachers day when in fact she has almost a 100 in her wallet. haha, cos i am trying to save janice the trouble and cornelia the problems shes facing.
Janice's nice nice drawings on her plane. the drawings are just awesome! i love this BAndito! cute and sexy Janice. haha, she looks better if she didn look down, but still, SEXY! 2 person occupying the entire table. helped Janice tie her hair! nice right? for a person who hasnt tied hair for close to 4 years! :D
slacking throughout the whole day. beber's lecture was damn boring! he thinks his humourous when in fact his not. his a idiot who eats wood and sucks his specs. gross. his some retarded guy who is not worth wearing the pilot uni. with the golden eagle. he brought us tour the whole SYFC, bombarding me with questions and i was giving him the I-dont-give-a-damn face. haha. syazana too.(: Yap(oopps, i guess i am not suppose to cal him that way) Mr Yap aka Yappy asked us to join comp. but only 5 per team. stuff happened and in the end, phoebe backed out. anyway she has YOG next year, so she needs to prepare. we are so sorry, phoebe. D:
ordered macs and stuff happened again. Janice and I were runing ard like mad women on the loose. haha. and we were addressed as ms ko. so, then the macs guy called. he asked err, may i speak to MR kO? i was huh? mr ko? his not in town. then i asked whose that on the line, he just say nvm nvm nvm, hang up, damn. called janice phone and he asked for MR kO too, then she was like huh? then haha, in the end we realised it was a misunderstanding, tsk. ordered 2 fillet, mac chicken and nuggets to be shared among me, Janice, E E and Angel. haha. then E E and Janice helped me do my maths GFA but in the end realised that the answers E E gave were all wrong. relied on Janice since she didn wanna do her chem. haha, thanks everyone. (:
cafe is not open so the girls are gonna bring cup noodles next week. since we can kope hot water. haha, cool.
so soorry, junru, not the sudden reject of not going swimming. haha, tmr, i am looking forward.(:
I WANNA GO ROCK-CLIMBING, SWIMMING, RUNNING, BOWLING WITH JANICE, CORNELIA, SYAZANA, PHOEBE AND E E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DESPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the class tee i scanned. jasmine got her Multon today, was jumping for joy. i was telling her i will laugh in my sleep too, heehee. nth much today, except that its Mr Sean Tay's last class with us, and his going to Ireland to be doctor. haha, cool, teacher-doctor.
the new volley-vall was quite hard to play, cos the direction was always getting out of the way, imagine Yongqing and jasmine facing such problems, what abt me? haha. some of the guys joined, or rather only yuheng came to play with us. oh wait, Niranjan, Sidhesh too. John is "bitchy"(i will mention him as a woman). forever snatching the ball and i was saying, " you sure?" but well, i am okay with the new volleyball now cos played a lot with Jasmine after school, felt that, well, obviously, its better to play with, cool. To Junru: 你的裙子裂了! hahaha! and obvious, Jasmine and i had a great talk, private stuff.
oh, i wasw hit in the face during recess by the ball and i was like, ouch, is my nose bleeding? hahaha! obviously not. then Mitreni fell down, while trying to save the ball from John B. pissed. piggy-backed her back to class after resting for like half hour at the parade square while putting ice on her ankle. i was like "mitreni, please stop moving, or u wil fall." the worst part was walking up the stairs. why in the world must there be steps up to the concourse? why in the world are there so many steps up to the classrooms, damn it! i needed to hold on to Mitreni's leg and i was in pain without realising. carried all the way back and when i put her down, i realised that i injured my right arm. i exerted too much force while trying to hold her leg, muscle ache, almost cried. i felt as if i am experiencing muscle tear, like what kelvin experienced while he was in HCI. played truth or dare. Yongqing, i am gonna hate you for what you asked me. -.- finally sat down after arguing with sean tay. damn it.
while playing after school, i injured my finger-my thumb and index finger. i cant move this 2 fingers now cos its damn pain. i dont know why but aiyah, damn pain. think cant do practical tmr, sian, sincei cant lift my arm and move my fingers, damn it, AGAIN.
conclusion for today: -i am damn pissed off with yuheng now. -yongqing bullies me. -cornelia, relax, chills. i lve you.(: -keith changed a million loads! -shibei is going back to CF on monday! but i dunno whether to go anot. -thinking whether to go to Mr Ng's wedding, no motivation, sian.
whats the problem with you? giving me back the stuff? i dont get it, i really dont get it. i dont know whats in your mind, i dont know what you are hiding from me. will you just tell me whats in your mind? stop letting me guess.
Please dont let me cry over you anymore. There is really love in a relationship even though you know theres no happy ending, i can tell you that, because it doesn't matter if the lovers are together in the end, its the process that matters.
my flawless 1 faith floorball players[ everyone's smiling properly-john not covering his face, yuheng not doing funny things. class pic! class pic! class pic!
went to library with Junru, elaine, pearlyn. was drenched throughout cos i was using my umbrella to cover junru cos she was shivering. elaine and pearlyn had an umbrella each cos junru lent hers to pearlyn. i was only one who was wet and i was the heater for the day though. went to lib, i was broke after that. lent elaine 5 bucks or rather 4.90 bucks, haha. paid 3.80 bucks for finger food.
STUFF happened and i was laughing throughout. hahaha!
went to J8 and saw ms alsogolf! cos we were waiting for lift and elaine and pearlyn were in front of me. then they suddenly turn back and run off. blur me looked into the lift and ms alsogolf was inside! i smiled at her, tyco-ly and she spot-check my attire, and she smiled. haha, amazing. it may just be on the school news tmr. lame.
saw keith on 804 and then we talked a lot. talked for like an hour plus, after we left the bus at the void deck of his house. wow, talked so much with a guy i am not familiar with, amazing.
the class pic rocks, to the max, i simply love it.
*will you just stop irritaing us? yes, we hate you to the max, and stop getting her to your side, shes with us. i hate you, you are damn irritating, bitch.
floorball comp. finals and semi-finals yesterday, it was damn exciting. went to finals, but we got 2nd. but still, i must say, 1 faith rocks, and that dont think too much abt it, the game wasnt even very fair after all. Junru, dont think too much about it, its not your fault. One for all, and all for one. this is a teamwork. Niranjan and sidhesh were good. elaine defended well. yuheng striked a goal. jasmine was great! junru, very good! John, Yongqing, everyone else rocks! yay! took a group photo of the players and i realised that my pic was the most flawless. see: elaine: the photo was damn blur. meihui: blur. jasmine:john was covering his face. pearlyn:yuheng was doing some funny thing. debbie: everyone smiled and everyone was hot and sexy!
today: theres a new girl today, called valerie. shes quite okay, but gives me the impression that she is trying to act outgoing. LOL. sitting opposite me now, quite okay la. forever smiling one. haha.
random stuff in my mind today: i realised that across the sec 1 level, 1 faith's guys were the most hot and proper. of course, we were the best at studies too. :DDD 1 faith dudes are just flawless and hot as compared to those in other classes.(sec 1) 1 faith guys are hot and sexy. same goes to the girls. haha, 1 faith simply rocks.(: 3 cheeers for 1 faitjh. having a slight sore throat now because of the screaming and shouting yesterday. haha. :)))
i caught this by accident and found out that Yuheng looks quite stylo in this.
whats John and Niranjan doing?!?!?
all the 1 faithians! ALERT! Yongqing, why are you looking at elaine? [tt] thanks junru for looking into the camera! woah!
stayed back to support the dudes for the inter-class floorball! cam-whored, and my memory was spammed. the last match was great! Yuheng, John in the midfield, Jasmine and Junru and Yongqing were the goal keeper. Niranjan and Sidhesh were great! or rather everyone was great! yay! a atep nearer to champion, a step nearer to a hole in my pocket. i promised to treat everyone to macs if they are champions, haha. treated elaine to macs today, think i am half broke. shall post the pics now! :D
posted only 1/4 of the pics, cos blogger takes years to upload! haha!
oh, i will be using this number:91059998 from Wednesday(tmr) till next wednesday. Please do not message 96533944 for the week. (:
jasmine was happy at first because the PE HOD is giving her a new volleyball after he saw us using jasmine's volleyball and he say its dangerous, so he give us a new one. haha, cool. then during recess jasmine training for floorball i was holdin her wallet. i put it on her desk when go back class and we left for art. come back, the money in the wallet is lost. things happened and mrs low feels that we shld make a report at GO. pls, she didn even really give a damn, mr chan at the GO didn care, i was like debating with him and he just showed his hand sign, that totally shut me up. -.- return back to class, mrs low was teaching. i almpst went to bash her up, cos she didn give a damn. damn it.
went to meet Jia Yi with gladys after school. had lunch at macs then went to AMK hub for neos and arcade. cam-whored with gladys after Jia Yi left. i shall post the pics now! :P
*blogger's taking years to upload, so i shall not upload the last 8, haha.
YESTERDAY went to yuan hao's house yesterday to take some stuff. he changed damn loads la. but haha, his humour is still there. went to northpoint for dinner, saw yuan hao, AGAIN. haha, destiny. saw prisc chia at library, jasmine(lim) on the way to cold storage. oh, saw rui ning from 6 inno, i think too cos she was wearing the camp shirt.
during dinner, i was telling my mum that i seriously cant stand singaporean parents thinking. typical singapore parents : when their child didn do as well in tests, they will scold, scold scold. never thinking of their childrens thinking. u think ur child wants this? u think ur child's mood is any better? did u parents even thought of ur child's feelings? did u ask them how they feel? ur are forever nagging and never thinking of ppl's feelings.
australian parents: they will comfort the child first then tell the child what may have went wrong in the test and how do u do better.[pointing out mistake] consider the childs feelings.
singaporeans, i cant stand it.
friend, i hate you for being so extra. you should feel guilty. i almost said yes, i mind when u called yesterday.[yes, i am talking abt you.]
sorry for breaking your heart, but i really cant go in a relationship with you, so sorry.
looks are decieving, never judge a book by its cover because actions are louder than words, those actions of yours told me so.
YESTERDAY. got back lit results yesterday, i was the second highest. roann was the highest with 21/25. while ginola and i got the same, 20/25. haha, i was quite amazed, lol. played volleyball during recess, then when jasmine served, she served damn hard, and ginola walked past at where the ball was flying, and it almost hit him. kind-debbie went to push ginola away just in time and that the ball just flew past his face. ginola then say me," u crazy ah?" i was damn pissed off, cos i pulled him away to save him ,then he say this kind of stuff, break people's heart. damn it. next time i just let the ball hit me, dont give a damn anymore.
rained heavily yesterday, danced all the way home with pearlyn and elaine. jasmine said she was wen rou de nu ren so she shld carry the umbrealla all the way. haha! was totally wet and on the train it was really cold, haha, yay! my nightmare arrived. my mum called me she say she will fetch me from interchange. then while i was waiting, i realised that there was a lot of ppl in the car. all the aunties. -.- i was like what the fuck to myself, then i realised that they are going ssc. asked jasmine if she wanna come meet me, she just reached home. sian. imagine having to walk ard in a shoe flooded with rain and that u have 2 blisters on ur leg, how will u feel? tsk.
today. went syfc, realised that i woke up late. haha, rushed like crazy, checked my phone, realised that cornelia spammed me again. no mentions. flew twice. first time the plane was horribly fast, then is like the trainer who is standing beside me to like turn me rounds is alrdy like so much faster than me and i am like cant catch up! second time is jermey's plane. its damn light, then is like u cant feel a thing. it almost craassshhedd but of course, jeremy wont alllow me to do it, haha! this part of our convo was interesting and cornelia and i were laughing our ass off. jeremy: debbie, u next ah. debbie: huh?! i cant fly leh! jeremy: dont care, i know u can. debbie: i really cant! so, my turn, i flew the plane. jeremy: so debbie, u know how to fly this? debbie: N-O! jeremy sat down. while i was like screaming, JEREMY, COME HELP ME PLEASE! I CANT FLY! jeremy: i thought u say u K-N-O-W how to fly? debbie: where got? then jeremy and i realised that we misunderstood each other, no chemistry. sighs. cam-whored, all the pics in syazana phone. warned her not to upload on fb, cos its all damn candid, haha! shall kope from her next week.
cornelia: thanks for ur unlimited sms. i had a great time fooling that idiot. yay, we did it! mission successful! :D
i am not trying to sarcaste u and i am not trying to say i am a flawless girl. everyone has his flaws but the point is u need to know what ur problem is. you have to understand. we are all trying to help u. and the last point is, u have to understand that we are telling u all these because we love u, care for u. if i really hate u, i wont even give a damn. i know its quite hard to accept, but pls, just think abt it and dont do anything silly. i know we are being quite evil and straightforward, but i am so sorry, cos u needa understand, really. i will answer ur question now: yes, i will be your friend, your best friend no matter what you become. I will support you, no matter what happen. I told you, I dont want history to repeat itself." ACCEPT CONFESSIONS.
i hope what u said is true. i just hope. Tell me the truth, because i still love you.
oh ya, kelvin is leaving for USA next wed, for a marathon or tria or stuff like this, sent by Nike. i wanna go too! his at Oregon! i wanna go! -.- i am seriously damn surprised that why my brother can run well, and why i cant. i am equaally interested and i am really in in takin part in maratons, never in tria. cos tria. has swim! argh! can imagine all the jellyfish swimmin past me, and sting me. tsk, i hate them. if theres no funny funny things, i wont mind. i am now gonna bribe my brother to extend his stay there, haha, so i can eat out everyday and my mum doesnt have to cook! :P but i know i will die without my brother, tsk, sads. )':
had aches here and there rhis morning after carrying the tees yesterday the whole day. lucky mum drove me to school, haha. junru waited for me to help me take my stuff, yay, thanks.(: i still haven asked who didn pay for the class teee and there goes my 50 bucks for the week, tsk. D: i feel so poor out of the sudden, left with just 20+ bucks in my wallet, argh! i hate the feeling of being poor or when u dont have money with you. as in u have it, but its not a lot. i dont like it. went to playground for lunch with elaine, pearlyn, junru. wanted to eat at cafe Galibee at first but no kind souls were willing to give up their seats. SINGAPOREANS. bought chicken rice, junru bought hokkien mee, pearlyn bought veg rice, with elaine settling with waffle and bbt. wow. we gossiped, of course. thats womans nature. otherwise, we gotta nth to say. haha. 2 girls of 1 peace whom i and jasmine nickname as the volleyball gang were at the playground too. i hate them to the core. i hate the girl who has that bitchy face whom i want to just give it a slap and let it be disfigured.
oh ya, assembly, talk abt camp stuff, AGAIN. singaporeans are seriously damn kia su la. say alrdy still wanna say. and it was mdm teo, -.-. she said take out paper and pen to jot down stuff, i just rolled my eyes at her and shouted no bag. the girls all turned ard and look at me, thinking that i am not those who will shout those kind. haha, then mrs te ask, so wheres ur bag? i ranted back, in class. then she asked with a pissed face, what class? 1 faith. the smart and united and ultimate 1 faith. then all the girls say, debbie, we die le. but i confidently said, that nothing will happen. and as i expected, mrs teo just said mrs low, pls remind ur class to bring this and that. haha, then mrs tep gave me the "you-better-watch-out-during-shooting" face. haha, i dont give a damn. (:
oh yea, theres a new guy in class. dunno called what xin or sth. crap la. he will be taggin along for camp. -.- heng his here for only a month, haha. and i am not tryna insult him but he seriously loooks like the guy in Up. with him button-ing up his shirt. i knew at the first glance i wont like him and his a pure nerd. HE, his with my group. vivien scared him out. haha, then when going back, i said to him," do u know that u can seriously not button the first button!?" scared him out. hahaha! i was laughing my ass off. haha, newbies, are always meant to be pranked and become good friends after that, haha.
i am not really looking forward to know whats with the camp arrangement. i dont want it to be according to reg. no. pls.
from my title, you can tell i am damn pissed off. got back sci and math test results today, fuck. shant mention it. science, lowest in class, everyone was giving me the shock face--junru, jasmine, pearlyn and all the other dudes. haha.
el presentation, forgot to bring the board which i spent like 10 years doing! :@ then i was like laughing all the way and rolling my eyes at the ginola. -.- jasmine made me laugh thruout! she was doing funny faces all the way, ahahaha! thanks, it totally unstressed me.(:
went macs with junru after school to lunch efore collecting the class tee. haha, spent almost an hour walking ard before finally deciding on macs, tsk. went redhill, needa change train at city hall. walked there, like what we did the last time, lol. checked the sizes and everything. correct. carried two big bags of clothes and left for bishan. with junru holding the free tee, haha. she took her share for the tee. lol! i was cursing the guys in 1 faith all the way cos they are so un-man not to help girls carry heavy stuff. thats so un-manly, tsk. OH YA, went paying the balance, we actually had not enough money!! i was damn paisei then i just told junru, i pay first, nvm. so i fished out $50. i felt so poor after that. -.- i swear i am gonna hate the ppl who didn pay, argh!
trained to bishan to have a cup of mc flurry first, haha. its damn heavy the clothes. junru and i were predicting that no guys in the class will be able to carry it, haha, losers. seriously, thats not what i believe of 1 faith guys. i know they arent cowards and losers. its just that they have no courage to face it that they should follow girls to collect stuff. UNMATURE.
everyone says i am damn open-minded. i dont know if i really am. a lot of ppl say i am too open-minded,some. LOL. i really dont feel so. tell me! what did i do that makes me open-minded? oh, results. haha, thats all. thats called cheerful, not open-minded. not button-ing up = open-minded too? lol, its hot. but i dont mind being open-minded, haha, its a good thing! :D
end of common test! yay! maths is horribly tough, damn it. left ques 11 blank. i was like wtf-ing all the way after the paper. haha, damn it. the end of CT, of course must enjoy myself! met up with prej! haha, long time never see her le! haha! went eat at subway, then play bowling. needa run in the rain like crazy, i was drenched totally, like dropped into swimming pool. haha. went play volleyball at sujing's void deck. haha, its damn shiok cos its high ceiling. mum called at 4+ said she was going out but its like still damn early. i am showing the sneaky eyes..[tt] i ask her to go my house when my mum leaves. haha, its damn fun! then she stayed for like 0.5 hour, after invading my house, haha! we kept hearing some noisees so we had thinkings that my mum was back. scared the shit out of me! gonna watch tv, bye all.(:
oh ya! yuheng gotta blog! his the first guy i know to have a blog in our class. haha! and his language is damn funny la!
oh, and ginola sucks, he keeps claiming that i owe him 2 bucks, crap. shall go school and scold him tmr!
went out for lunch today, at Liang court which is like at the other end of yishun, tsk. with my brother, mum and dad. went to the restaurant at Novotel hotel and i cant believe i was wearing causal wear, shorts. haha, so random. my brother and i went to check out audiohouse and its damn big. my mum and dad checked out their stuff themselves. my brother was lalala-ing about putting a new TV in his room. haha, wth. he saw a panasonic tv, $799, he say he want it in his room, crap. i wanna new tv for my room too! though its stilll new.-.- we then saw a huge camera lens which was a 7 figure digit. its damn big and heavy and i wondered who will buy. but there seem to be a lot of ppl who wanna buy, amazed. went kinokuniya. my brother's a member. they are having 20% off storewide. was looking at george owell's books[ author of animal farm] seemed sorta nice. saw stephen king's too. i was quite interested but seriously, the words are too small and its too thick. i am watching their drama though, haha.
went to japanese market, their stuff are really expensive, as in really. their sashimi was 20+ which was just a small little bit. their watermelon was more than 100 bucks. cheat ppl's momey. but i must say, its really big. real big. brother's going to watch movie, at vivo. wth, i wanna watch too. todays the last day of the Da Vinca exibition. i wanna go, sads! i was really quite affected over it when i didn really had time over the past 3 months to just make a visit there. argh, tsk. i realised that elaine and corny was quite interested. haha, wth. its too late. but for like exibits like this, i prefer to go with guys. cos u will like understand what is the opposite sex thinking. prefarbly with just a guy, cos u cant go to this kind of stuff with a big group, otherwise u will definitely cant appreciate the art. just like last time, we will all go for these kinda stuff, with guys. but i really prefer to go with just a guy. haha, but i think the guys in 1 faith just dont suit to go out. cos they are like not those who will go for this. tsk, sads. not like in pri school. haha, i know jermaine will definitely ask me to go. LOL. gotta start studying, bye!
i am looking forward to tmr, after the exams. haha, i am SO GONNA ENJOY THIS.
random message,: Carlsberg, PROBABLY the best beer in the world.
haha, i am finally back at SYFC. i think i wasnt there for a month. haha, did practical today! its damn fun! and, all 6 girls came, haha! janice and E E joined the other group while, me, syazana, corelia and phoebe were in a group ourselves. it was damn funny during grouping cos we are to e in groups of 4. syazana was damn cool cos she told back senior that, no means no. haha, in the end, the two youngeest according to b-dae months went to join the guys.[tt] haha, flew jeremy's plane, found that his plane just suited me. he bullied me, okay? haha, and his plane is DAMN NICE! its white and got 2 strrings dangling behind. haha! he told only me to go and try out taking off and landing the plane. woah, its damn fun! cause his balsa wood plane is totally different from my shitty plastic plane. or the paper planes that i fold in class. haha! then,then, he say,debbie, debbie, please dont crash my plane! i still needa put it for demo in my school. he say if i dont crash, he treat me to drink. cos he say if he teach well, trainer treat him to drink. LOL! anyway, jeremy's hand is injured, seriously. he got burned by iron and there is a big patch there now. damn sad case. hope he get well soon cos i can tell his really in pain. anw,played frisbee after class with phoebe and janice. and when polar bear and trainers walk past, er hem..[janice, cornelia!] *winks to phoebe* haha! oh ya, wayne and harvin were bullyinh rui nah cos her b-dae. they pour water over her! call themselves guy, tsk. and they left their bottles behind! kind-hearted janice went to pick it up. and i am so gonna scold the shit out of wayne and harvin later. and conclusion for today, theres a lot: -i cant throw frisbee. -the frisbee doesnt like phoebe but only janice. -harvin and wayne are gonna be so dead. -phoebe never puts in effort and blames the wind. haha! -janice is so kind-hearted. -the 3 of us finished half the container of water.[the one where u can choose the hot/cold] -jeremy bullies me. retarded jelly-fish! :p -i recieved my rank from corny today! yay! -too bad for that shitty beber that he has to sign over 200+ certs. thats just too bad.
anyway, was tagged by jasmine to do quiz. and she only asked me! tsk. she wanted to see what my messages are all about! privacy!
1. Grab Your Phone. yea, so?
2. What is the 3rd picture of in your phone? unglam pic of phoebe with her crossing her leg while talkin on the phone. haha!
3. What's your ringtone? Sony Ericsson. cause i find the ringtone not very common in s'pore and all the HK dramas use it.
4. Who's the 1st person that comes up under M? macs delivery. cos we order during syfc.
5. Who's the last person you called? Ginola.
6. Who was your last missed call from? Ginola.
7. Who's the 1st person who comes up under C? cheong yeow, cousin!
8. Who's your speed dial number 2? i didn set speed dial.
9. What does 3rd text in ur inbox say? its from ginola, and i really cant say cos it really between the two of us.
10. Who was your last received call from? jasmine's house
11. What does your 2nd sentbox text say? Kelvin[my brother] haven't. i having my common tests, how to upload?!
12. How many messages are currently in your inbox? unlimited. 13. What is the wallpaper? me, brother, sister. taken on a australia bus.
14. Who's speed dial number 1? i told u i didn set speed dial.
15. Who is the 15th message from in your inbox? cornelia!: Hey there's syfc today right? Like no one at the gate waiting for the mini bus one...
16. Who's the 1st person who comes up under B? dont have.
17. How many bars of signal do you currently have? Full!
18. What network are you on? Singtel.
19. Name every person you have a message from in your inbox. hmm, really wanna know? sure. cornelia. elaine. ginola. gladys. janice. jasmine. jixin. jun ru. kelvin. michelle. pearlyn. phoebe. zuoel. 5 mesaages from unknown. 20. What does your 6th text message in your inbox say? kelvin: mm okay okay. Nvm then. u rem call mum to say ur coming home later ah. to jasmine: i have such a loving brother, dont i?
21. Who is the first person in your contacts? Abigail
22. Who is the last name in your contacts? Zuoel
23. What does the last text in your inbox say? ginola: where am i? why u want to know? dont stalk me la. go stalk ur yuheng la. and like what if............ [not saying the last part cos its really private and its our biggest secrets]
24. What is your screensaver? cornelia's class plane. its hung on their window and when theres wind, it will fly. so cool!
25. What is your balance? i dont use prepaid. 26. Who's the last person under H? Hui lee!
27. What is your bluetooth name? *debbie!*
hahaha, jasmine, dont keep thinking abt me messaging ginola. we are best friends okay. and too bad cos my brother messaged me often and we message each other everyday. too bad. and, ginola and i are just pure friends, nothing else. we just share the biggest secrets in the world. nothing else. and its just too bad that u cant see whats in my inbox. :p
went to gladys house to discuss about the aesthetics and stuff today. we decided to do hip hop and malay in the end, with gladys teaching hip hop and me teaching malay. haha, we had a hard time cherographing our own dance. gladys finally invented her own dance after me giving many comments that are quite straight. SO SOORRY, GLADYS FOR BEING TOO STRAIGHT WITH MY COMMENTS! so sorry! gladys was sorta restless for a while, but after some break and stuff, she's up again!
finally, we ended with superb dance! i even asked xueyi for help! haha! gladys punched in all the emotions that were outta place, LOL. she even put out of place emotions for wayne! omg! haha, so lame. sorry for everything!
a) used to say that someone will enjoy something: Listen guys, you're going to love this.
b) used to say that someone will not be pleased about something: I'm going to love telling him we've changed our minds again.
➔ lover -Definition from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
haha, so many definitions. i shall talk about the love for like the kind of love i love a
person, the kind of love which you will wanna spend the rest of your life with first. LOVE-i thought purple is a romantic color. haha,anyway,it taught me a lot of things.
it thought me that it causes you to go crazy and everything else. you may love
someone else deeply but that person dont really give a damn and instead say nasty
things to you, which totally breaks your heart. to me, the opposite sex just does abad
things to you yet make you love him/her. i seen many love scenarios in front of me
before and i always asked,"what makes you love him/her? he/she dont deserve to be
with you." but they always just tell me, because i just love them. whose never been in
love before? i did. and i really hate it. i will always all the love things that happened to
me. PRI 1, this guy from my class asked me to be his girlfriend. but i, who is still
childish and retarded, foolishly said no. and after that, cause of being very close
friends, i found myself in love with him and was totally so for 4 years. damn me. i
regretted so much not agreeing the last time. right now, his at HCI, his brother knew
my brother and were the best of buddies so i will say our family communications
should be of no problem. haha,but its too late. P5, i started being in love with
someone who love me too. i thought i finally found a guy whom i can trust and really
rely on, always supporting me and stuff. we lasted for 2 years. he went to a great
school while i came to KCP. coming to secondary school, i met another guy WHO I
everything and even foolishly broke up with the previous guy to totally love this one.
but when i told all my friends all about it, they asked me if i was sure abouyt this guy. i
was confused, thinking why my friends said this.i expected them to be happy, sharing
joy with me, but they didn. i am greatly disappointed.
the other kind of love, like enjoy. i got nothing to say about this kind of love, because i dont particularly enjoy or liking
something. maybe i just enjoy sessions when i have a good talk and laugh with my
close friends. i think thats what i really enjoy and long for everytime. haha!
what is love to you? haha, i am very interested to know other people's definition of
love and what they think of it. so people, please leave a tag of what you think of love,
thanks! :DDD ps:Ginola so likes his pillow that he had fallen in love with it.
i swear i really hate my mum and not really giving a damn to her anymore.
she is outrageous, unreasonable and bosses people around as if she is the biggest in the whole wide world.
there are so many times i would just wanted to scold fuck in her face.
one great example of my PERFECT mum:
she was acting crazy today since the morning.
she talked damn loud as if we were deaf.
kelvin and i were watching TV and we were in great moods and there she came,
and be a SPOILSPORT.
she scolded us, for not keeping the things properly, so randomly.
then, she scolded my brother for not keeping his bag.
then, she scolded me FOR NOTHING.
she claimed that i should call the school and ask them for a re-test for missing tmr's el and cl common test when i told her many times thats inpossible.
she started ranting like a mad woman and i just slammed the door.
i called the school, and i felt like a total fool when mrs low was talking to me.
cos she was talking damn fast and the background was noisy.
so, i relayed the message to my mum, again.
and i was like practically dui niu tan qing!
she didn even give a damn.
i could just went to her and slap her on the spot la.
pissed off.
wtf man.
heard from jasmine that mrs chan is finally baack.
they had el presetation--patrick, vidurraa and unknown and unknown.
hw for me today:
geog GFA
sci theory
chi zuo ye pg 1 2 4 6 7 8.
all the hw piling up...
waiting for the 17th august.
last day of commonn test, can go bowling with JUNRU!
today was sorta retarded. woke up endless times from 530 then 730(to read junru's sms) and finally at 10. ate cereal and i started to go online while talking to jasmine and meihui while reading the papers. in the afternoon: jasmine told me she was being stalked online at the library. i THOUGHT she was still there and this is our conv.(i shall just copy and paste):
haha, arent our conversation interesting? it has always been interesting. ahh, so random. jasmine is just so funny, forever cheering me up when i am done and being my crraaazzzzyyyy! haha! not forgetting the rest of the girls, esp. elaine and Gladys and pearlyn and junru! ah, too many! i want to take this chance and thank all for you girls. THANKS LOADS! :DDDDD and i will always remember the "gossip sessions" that we had!
psps: haha, regarding jasmine being stalked, i got just 1 thing to say. maybe jasmine is just too hot. haha!
haha, i have been waiting for so long for this rank.
though its the lowest rank, its still better than nothing.
hahahahaha, i am SO HAPPY NOW! :DDDD
and i finally understood when wayne said he was a JCA.
ps: the lowest rank starts from cadet aeromodeller to junior cadet aeromodeller to senior cadet aeromodeller to junior cadet pilot to senior cadet pilot to junior pilot to senior pilot.
haha, i have actually been eyeing on the senior pilot for a long time and i really want to fly a plane.
staying at home didn really suck when you have friends who are online and when your talk abt heavens and the earth again. online the whole day. talked to jasmine and meihui the whole day. AMAZING. realised that my file was in school yesterday and i think i lost it. i cant lose it cos its damn thick, which proves that theres loadsa stuff inside. DAMN. asked yuheng and junru help me find. but i dare to say yuheng didn even bother. thanks junru for helping me look for it. i have no idea where is it. i remember its still with me during chi class, and for after that, i dont know. DAMN. THERES THIS GUY IN MY CLASS WHOM I MENTIONED BEFORE, ASKED ME NOT TO PUT HIS NAME ON MY BLOG. SO I SHALL NICKNAMED HIM AS GINNY. HAHA! i think its pretty obvious for the 1 faithians to know who is it. haha! a GO woman called today. haha asking me what exactly happen, when my fever started and stuff. she claimed that she needed to report to MOE. so i just relate the whole story to her, lame. byesss.(:
hope that i can find my file and pass my common test with flying colours! :D
i have H1N1 now. its pretty scary. i went to the doctors yesterday and they ran a test on me and they tested it positive of H1N1. they stuck sth in my nose and dripped something onto a indicator and there was a line that moved to positive. the doctor said,:" sorry,debbie. but you are tested positive for influenza A." i was shocked but i remained calm and just nodded my head. my mum who was beside me was pretty calm too. which is so-not-her. i was messaging ginola throughout the day so he was the first to know abt this. he thought i was joking so he asked elaine to call me and ask. then elaine told yuheng then yuheng messaged me. i called mrs low when i reached home. i put abt this on my MSn quick message and a lot of ppl came and ask thanks particularly, geriant, phoebe, weiqiang,jianhui,huishan and ginola[not really for ginola]and the rest for cheering me up when i was really down yesterday especially when my temperature was 38.9 my whole face was red,very red. everyone told me to get well soon, they all will pray for me and that i will be fine. they all understand what i am going through. but theres burning question in my mind," who really understands what i am going thru?" i cant even talk now cos i am really having a bad sore throat and running a high fever when meihui called, no sound came out of my mouth no matter how hard i tried. i could only message. i have no voice now, high temperature. this whole thing sucked. i just wish to recover asap and return back to school. i am having math and science test and el and cl common test this coming week and i cant even turn up for a week. sighs.. i will missing out a lot and i think my results will drop again. i am gonna miss the geog woman from the MOE or whatever shit, AGAIN. the last time she came, i remember i was away for the nationals but elaine claimed that i was around just that i was busy talking to yuheng. but really, no! i was really not around. sighs. i am gonna miss everyone so much. the last time when i came back from aust., iwas away for a week too. now, AGAIN. i really hate alll this.
today's an awesome day. report at 9, meet junru at 8, to suck lolipop, haha. i was damn early, while waiting outside GO, saw Sidhesh, Yuheng walk past. and amazingly, they all waved, cool. went class, create some trouble then went to hall for celebration. MR dunno what, someone from discipline comm, warned me first, complained i was too noisy, stare at me. i stared him back and gave him the face that, u think ur eyes big ah? cos i was sitting in front of meihui, sujie, ginola and joel, obviously, you know. floorball comp, we came in 2nd, joel and ginola was suaning me throughout. i guess i dont have to elaborate. kenna caught 2nd time, then he was like, u better shut up0 or i drag u out(hand sign) and i was like come la. you dare to touch me, i kick your ass. then cos i saving place for junru, jasmine and elaine, then again, joel...haha. i dont wanna elaborate. OH OH, went school hopping, but only hopped to pei chun. haha, explored it, and yea, i was like, woah. with junru, pearlyn, elaine and jasmine. wanted to go back to chongfu with jasmine but in the end called shibei and realised that school's closed, tsk. -.- AND AND, almost the whole of 1 faith wore the class tee!!! yay!! i will be laughing in my sleep tonihgt...heehee. cant imagine the guys wore, amazing.
went to BK to meet the 6 gra-ians. XianHao, Cheng Hung, Kai Gi, Shi Bei, Zhang Yu, Clevence, Yu Cong, Nicole, Isaac and shermaine were there alrdy. Jermaine, Jian LIn and See Ying came to meet us later. Mr ng too. mr ng treated BK to those who got above 243 or 244 and obviously, i wasnt treated. -.- after went kaijun's place. skip what happened there, but it was damn fun with isaac being damn gross. HAHAHA! yucong and zhangyu left early and i left a bit later to meet elaine, to accompany her to buy trackpants. wanted to meet at 5 at first, but dur to some misunderstandings, we met at ard 5.45. haha. invaded Daiso, which we bought a lot of stuff. well.. then created trouble at Giant. omgosh, i sound so evil. haha, but who cares.
finally went home at 8. reached home at like ard! long time didn dinner outside with friends and return home so late. and obviously when debbie and elaine is together, secrets are shared. hahaha!
i have got problems. let me analyze this: let the BOY be B and the GIRL be G. (any similarity to anyone is pure coincidence, so dont think too much.)
B likes G. but G. has some probs with me now and she feels that i hate her when in fact i didn even told her or even hint. i am pretty close to B and then G gives me the feeling that she is trying to get B's attention and get B to tell me how she feels. G is like so , attention-seeker, same as her cousin. B came to talk to me abt it, misunderstandings occur and i feel that B is not supporting me. his blinded by the power of love. he is in the state that he doesnt even know whats right and wrong. he doesnt even know he changed, but not into a nice way. his not the persoon i knew before, the one who always talks to me eveyrday, day and night, listening to my rants and problems, his always telling me stuff that makes have a good laugh. we are the best of buddies, sharing the biggest secrets of the world. we trust each other so much, supporting each other always. for the past 6 months, we msg each other everyday, day and night. and i cant believe, just for the sake of love, he didn support his own buddy. i am disappointed in you. i am soo sorry but my confidence in you has ended.
oh, and i am feeling damn guilty now cos i told cornelia and Janice to be a baddy and lie. haha, omgosh, can u believe it? i told cornelia to be more firm so that her friends will listen to her as she is the chairwoman. i told Janice to lie to her friend that she had no money left to buy the cup for tecachers day when in fact she has almost a 100 in her wallet. haha, cos i am trying to save janice the trouble and cornelia the problems shes facing.
Janice's nice nice drawings on her plane. the drawings are just awesome! i love this BAndito! cute and sexy Janice. haha, she looks better if she didn look down, but still, SEXY! 2 person occupying the entire table. helped Janice tie her hair! nice right? for a person who hasnt tied hair for close to 4 years! :D
slacking throughout the whole day. beber's lecture was damn boring! he thinks his humourous when in fact his not. his a idiot who eats wood and sucks his specs. gross. his some retarded guy who is not worth wearing the pilot uni. with the golden eagle. he brought us tour the whole SYFC, bombarding me with questions and i was giving him the I-dont-give-a-damn face. haha. syazana too.(: Yap(oopps, i guess i am not suppose to cal him that way) Mr Yap aka Yappy asked us to join comp. but only 5 per team. stuff happened and in the end, phoebe backed out. anyway she has YOG next year, so she needs to prepare. we are so sorry, phoebe. D:
ordered macs and stuff happened again. Janice and I were runing ard like mad women on the loose. haha. and we were addressed as ms ko. so, then the macs guy called. he asked err, may i speak to MR kO? i was huh? mr ko? his not in town. then i asked whose that on the line, he just say nvm nvm nvm, hang up, damn. called janice phone and he asked for MR kO too, then she was like huh? then haha, in the end we realised it was a misunderstanding, tsk. ordered 2 fillet, mac chicken and nuggets to be shared among me, Janice, E E and Angel. haha. then E E and Janice helped me do my maths GFA but in the end realised that the answers E E gave were all wrong. relied on Janice since she didn wanna do her chem. haha, thanks everyone. (:
cafe is not open so the girls are gonna bring cup noodles next week. since we can kope hot water. haha, cool.
so soorry, junru, not the sudden reject of not going swimming. haha, tmr, i am looking forward.(:
I WANNA GO ROCK-CLIMBING, SWIMMING, RUNNING, BOWLING WITH JANICE, CORNELIA, SYAZANA, PHOEBE AND E E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DESPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the class tee i scanned. jasmine got her Multon today, was jumping for joy. i was telling her i will laugh in my sleep too, heehee. nth much today, except that its Mr Sean Tay's last class with us, and his going to Ireland to be doctor. haha, cool, teacher-doctor.
the new volley-vall was quite hard to play, cos the direction was always getting out of the way, imagine Yongqing and jasmine facing such problems, what abt me? haha. some of the guys joined, or rather only yuheng came to play with us. oh wait, Niranjan, Sidhesh too. John is "bitchy"(i will mention him as a woman). forever snatching the ball and i was saying, " you sure?" but well, i am okay with the new volleyball now cos played a lot with Jasmine after school, felt that, well, obviously, its better to play with, cool. To Junru: 你的裙子裂了! hahaha! and obvious, Jasmine and i had a great talk, private stuff.
oh, i wasw hit in the face during recess by the ball and i was like, ouch, is my nose bleeding? hahaha! obviously not. then Mitreni fell down, while trying to save the ball from John B. pissed. piggy-backed her back to class after resting for like half hour at the parade square while putting ice on her ankle. i was like "mitreni, please stop moving, or u wil fall." the worst part was walking up the stairs. why in the world must there be steps up to the concourse? why in the world are there so many steps up to the classrooms, damn it! i needed to hold on to Mitreni's leg and i was in pain without realising. carried all the way back and when i put her down, i realised that i injured my right arm. i exerted too much force while trying to hold her leg, muscle ache, almost cried. i felt as if i am experiencing muscle tear, like what kelvin experienced while he was in HCI. played truth or dare. Yongqing, i am gonna hate you for what you asked me. -.- finally sat down after arguing with sean tay. damn it.
while playing after school, i injured my finger-my thumb and index finger. i cant move this 2 fingers now cos its damn pain. i dont know why but aiyah, damn pain. think cant do practical tmr, sian, sincei cant lift my arm and move my fingers, damn it, AGAIN.
conclusion for today: -i am damn pissed off with yuheng now. -yongqing bullies me. -cornelia, relax, chills. i lve you.(: -keith changed a million loads! -shibei is going back to CF on monday! but i dunno whether to go anot. -thinking whether to go to Mr Ng's wedding, no motivation, sian.
whats the problem with you? giving me back the stuff? i dont get it, i really dont get it. i dont know whats in your mind, i dont know what you are hiding from me. will you just tell me whats in your mind? stop letting me guess.
Please dont let me cry over you anymore. There is really love in a relationship even though you know theres no happy ending, i can tell you that, because it doesn't matter if the lovers are together in the end, its the process that matters.
my flawless 1 faith floorball players[ everyone's smiling properly-john not covering his face, yuheng not doing funny things. class pic! class pic! class pic!
went to library with Junru, elaine, pearlyn. was drenched throughout cos i was using my umbrella to cover junru cos she was shivering. elaine and pearlyn had an umbrella each cos junru lent hers to pearlyn. i was only one who was wet and i was the heater for the day though. went to lib, i was broke after that. lent elaine 5 bucks or rather 4.90 bucks, haha. paid 3.80 bucks for finger food.
STUFF happened and i was laughing throughout. hahaha!
went to J8 and saw ms alsogolf! cos we were waiting for lift and elaine and pearlyn were in front of me. then they suddenly turn back and run off. blur me looked into the lift and ms alsogolf was inside! i smiled at her, tyco-ly and she spot-check my attire, and she smiled. haha, amazing. it may just be on the school news tmr. lame.
saw keith on 804 and then we talked a lot. talked for like an hour plus, after we left the bus at the void deck of his house. wow, talked so much with a guy i am not familiar with, amazing.
the class pic rocks, to the max, i simply love it.
*will you just stop irritaing us? yes, we hate you to the max, and stop getting her to your side, shes with us. i hate you, you are damn irritating, bitch.
floorball comp. finals and semi-finals yesterday, it was damn exciting. went to finals, but we got 2nd. but still, i must say, 1 faith rocks, and that dont think too much abt it, the game wasnt even very fair after all. Junru, dont think too much about it, its not your fault. One for all, and all for one. this is a teamwork. Niranjan and sidhesh were good. elaine defended well. yuheng striked a goal. jasmine was great! junru, very good! John, Yongqing, everyone else rocks! yay! took a group photo of the players and i realised that my pic was the most flawless. see: elaine: the photo was damn blur. meihui: blur. jasmine:john was covering his face. pearlyn:yuheng was doing some funny thing. debbie: everyone smiled and everyone was hot and sexy!
today: theres a new girl today, called valerie. shes quite okay, but gives me the impression that she is trying to act outgoing. LOL. sitting opposite me now, quite okay la. forever smiling one. haha.
random stuff in my mind today: i realised that across the sec 1 level, 1 faith's guys were the most hot and proper. of course, we were the best at studies too. :DDD 1 faith dudes are just flawless and hot as compared to those in other classes.(sec 1) 1 faith guys are hot and sexy. same goes to the girls. haha, 1 faith simply rocks.(: 3 cheeers for 1 faitjh. having a slight sore throat now because of the screaming and shouting yesterday. haha. :)))
i caught this by accident and found out that Yuheng looks quite stylo in this.
whats John and Niranjan doing?!?!?
all the 1 faithians! ALERT! Yongqing, why are you looking at elaine? [tt] thanks junru for looking into the camera! woah!
stayed back to support the dudes for the inter-class floorball! cam-whored, and my memory was spammed. the last match was great! Yuheng, John in the midfield, Jasmine and Junru and Yongqing were the goal keeper. Niranjan and Sidhesh were great! or rather everyone was great! yay! a atep nearer to champion, a step nearer to a hole in my pocket. i promised to treat everyone to macs if they are champions, haha. treated elaine to macs today, think i am half broke. shall post the pics now! :D
posted only 1/4 of the pics, cos blogger takes years to upload! haha!
oh, i will be using this number:91059998 from Wednesday(tmr) till next wednesday. Please do not message 96533944 for the week. (:
jasmine was happy at first because the PE HOD is giving her a new volleyball after he saw us using jasmine's volleyball and he say its dangerous, so he give us a new one. haha, cool. then during recess jasmine training for floorball i was holdin her wallet. i put it on her desk when go back class and we left for art. come back, the money in the wallet is lost. things happened and mrs low feels that we shld make a report at GO. pls, she didn even really give a damn, mr chan at the GO didn care, i was like debating with him and he just showed his hand sign, that totally shut me up. -.- return back to class, mrs low was teaching. i almpst went to bash her up, cos she didn give a damn. damn it.
went to meet Jia Yi with gladys after school. had lunch at macs then went to AMK hub for neos and arcade. cam-whored with gladys after Jia Yi left. i shall post the pics now! :P
*blogger's taking years to upload, so i shall not upload the last 8, haha.
YESTERDAY went to yuan hao's house yesterday to take some stuff. he changed damn loads la. but haha, his humour is still there. went to northpoint for dinner, saw yuan hao, AGAIN. haha, destiny. saw prisc chia at library, jasmine(lim) on the way to cold storage. oh, saw rui ning from 6 inno, i think too cos she was wearing the camp shirt.
during dinner, i was telling my mum that i seriously cant stand singaporean parents thinking. typical singapore parents : when their child didn do as well in tests, they will scold, scold scold. never thinking of their childrens thinking. u think ur child wants this? u think ur child's mood is any better? did u parents even thought of ur child's feelings? did u ask them how they feel? ur are forever nagging and never thinking of ppl's feelings.
australian parents: they will comfort the child first then tell the child what may have went wrong in the test and how do u do better.[pointing out mistake] consider the childs feelings.
singaporeans, i cant stand it.
friend, i hate you for being so extra. you should feel guilty. i almost said yes, i mind when u called yesterday.[yes, i am talking abt you.]
sorry for breaking your heart, but i really cant go in a relationship with you, so sorry.
looks are decieving, never judge a book by its cover because actions are louder than words, those actions of yours told me so.
YESTERDAY. got back lit results yesterday, i was the second highest. roann was the highest with 21/25. while ginola and i got the same, 20/25. haha, i was quite amazed, lol. played volleyball during recess, then when jasmine served, she served damn hard, and ginola walked past at where the ball was flying, and it almost hit him. kind-debbie went to push ginola away just in time and that the ball just flew past his face. ginola then say me," u crazy ah?" i was damn pissed off, cos i pulled him away to save him ,then he say this kind of stuff, break people's heart. damn it. next time i just let the ball hit me, dont give a damn anymore.
rained heavily yesterday, danced all the way home with pearlyn and elaine. jasmine said she was wen rou de nu ren so she shld carry the umbrealla all the way. haha! was totally wet and on the train it was really cold, haha, yay! my nightmare arrived. my mum called me she say she will fetch me from interchange. then while i was waiting, i realised that there was a lot of ppl in the car. all the aunties. -.- i was like what the fuck to myself, then i realised that they are going ssc. asked jasmine if she wanna come meet me, she just reached home. sian. imagine having to walk ard in a shoe flooded with rain and that u have 2 blisters on ur leg, how will u feel? tsk.
today. went syfc, realised that i woke up late. haha, rushed like crazy, checked my phone, realised that cornelia spammed me again. no mentions. flew twice. first time the plane was horribly fast, then is like the trainer who is standing beside me to like turn me rounds is alrdy like so much faster than me and i am like cant catch up! second time is jermey's plane. its damn light, then is like u cant feel a thing. it almost craassshhedd but of course, jeremy wont alllow me to do it, haha! this part of our convo was interesting and cornelia and i were laughing our ass off. jeremy: debbie, u next ah. debbie: huh?! i cant fly leh! jeremy: dont care, i know u can. debbie: i really cant! so, my turn, i flew the plane. jeremy: so debbie, u know how to fly this? debbie: N-O! jeremy sat down. while i was like screaming, JEREMY, COME HELP ME PLEASE! I CANT FLY! jeremy: i thought u say u K-N-O-W how to fly? debbie: where got? then jeremy and i realised that we misunderstood each other, no chemistry. sighs. cam-whored, all the pics in syazana phone. warned her not to upload on fb, cos its all damn candid, haha! shall kope from her next week.
cornelia: thanks for ur unlimited sms. i had a great time fooling that idiot. yay, we did it! mission successful! :D
i am not trying to sarcaste u and i am not trying to say i am a flawless girl. everyone has his flaws but the point is u need to know what ur problem is. you have to understand. we are all trying to help u. and the last point is, u have to understand that we are telling u all these because we love u, care for u. if i really hate u, i wont even give a damn. i know its quite hard to accept, but pls, just think abt it and dont do anything silly. i know we are being quite evil and straightforward, but i am so sorry, cos u needa understand, really. i will answer ur question now: yes, i will be your friend, your best friend no matter what you become. I will support you, no matter what happen. I told you, I dont want history to repeat itself." ACCEPT CONFESSIONS.
i hope what u said is true. i just hope. Tell me the truth, because i still love you.
oh ya, kelvin is leaving for USA next wed, for a marathon or tria or stuff like this, sent by Nike. i wanna go too! his at Oregon! i wanna go! -.- i am seriously damn surprised that why my brother can run well, and why i cant. i am equaally interested and i am really in in takin part in maratons, never in tria. cos tria. has swim! argh! can imagine all the jellyfish swimmin past me, and sting me. tsk, i hate them. if theres no funny funny things, i wont mind. i am now gonna bribe my brother to extend his stay there, haha, so i can eat out everyday and my mum doesnt have to cook! :P but i know i will die without my brother, tsk, sads. )':
had aches here and there rhis morning after carrying the tees yesterday the whole day. lucky mum drove me to school, haha. junru waited for me to help me take my stuff, yay, thanks.(: i still haven asked who didn pay for the class teee and there goes my 50 bucks for the week, tsk. D: i feel so poor out of the sudden, left with just 20+ bucks in my wallet, argh! i hate the feeling of being poor or when u dont have money with you. as in u have it, but its not a lot. i dont like it. went to playground for lunch with elaine, pearlyn, junru. wanted to eat at cafe Galibee at first but no kind souls were willing to give up their seats. SINGAPOREANS. bought chicken rice, junru bought hokkien mee, pearlyn bought veg rice, with elaine settling with waffle and bbt. wow. we gossiped, of course. thats womans nature. otherwise, we gotta nth to say. haha. 2 girls of 1 peace whom i and jasmine nickname as the volleyball gang were at the playground too. i hate them to the core. i hate the girl who has that bitchy face whom i want to just give it a slap and let it be disfigured.
oh ya, assembly, talk abt camp stuff, AGAIN. singaporeans are seriously damn kia su la. say alrdy still wanna say. and it was mdm teo, -.-. she said take out paper and pen to jot down stuff, i just rolled my eyes at her and shouted no bag. the girls all turned ard and look at me, thinking that i am not those who will shout those kind. haha, then mrs te ask, so wheres ur bag? i ranted back, in class. then she asked with a pissed face, what class? 1 faith. the smart and united and ultimate 1 faith. then all the girls say, debbie, we die le. but i confidently said, that nothing will happen. and as i expected, mrs teo just said mrs low, pls remind ur class to bring this and that. haha, then mrs tep gave me the "you-better-watch-out-during-shooting" face. haha, i dont give a damn. (:
oh yea, theres a new guy in class. dunno called what xin or sth. crap la. he will be taggin along for camp. -.- heng his here for only a month, haha. and i am not tryna insult him but he seriously loooks like the guy in Up. with him button-ing up his shirt. i knew at the first glance i wont like him and his a pure nerd. HE, his with my group. vivien scared him out. haha, then when going back, i said to him," do u know that u can seriously not button the first button!?" scared him out. hahaha! i was laughing my ass off. haha, newbies, are always meant to be pranked and become good friends after that, haha.
i am not really looking forward to know whats with the camp arrangement. i dont want it to be according to reg. no. pls.
from my title, you can tell i am damn pissed off. got back sci and math test results today, fuck. shant mention it. science, lowest in class, everyone was giving me the shock face--junru, jasmine, pearlyn and all the other dudes. haha.
el presentation, forgot to bring the board which i spent like 10 years doing! :@ then i was like laughing all the way and rolling my eyes at the ginola. -.- jasmine made me laugh thruout! she was doing funny faces all the way, ahahaha! thanks, it totally unstressed me.(:
went macs with junru after school to lunch efore collecting the class tee. haha, spent almost an hour walking ard before finally deciding on macs, tsk. went redhill, needa change train at city hall. walked there, like what we did the last time, lol. checked the sizes and everything. correct. carried two big bags of clothes and left for bishan. with junru holding the free tee, haha. she took her share for the tee. lol! i was cursing the guys in 1 faith all the way cos they are so un-man not to help girls carry heavy stuff. thats so un-manly, tsk. OH YA, went paying the balance, we actually had not enough money!! i was damn paisei then i just told junru, i pay first, nvm. so i fished out $50. i felt so poor after that. -.- i swear i am gonna hate the ppl who didn pay, argh!
trained to bishan to have a cup of mc flurry first, haha. its damn heavy the clothes. junru and i were predicting that no guys in the class will be able to carry it, haha, losers. seriously, thats not what i believe of 1 faith guys. i know they arent cowards and losers. its just that they have no courage to face it that they should follow girls to collect stuff. UNMATURE.
everyone says i am damn open-minded. i dont know if i really am. a lot of ppl say i am too open-minded,some. LOL. i really dont feel so. tell me! what did i do that makes me open-minded? oh, results. haha, thats all. thats called cheerful, not open-minded. not button-ing up = open-minded too? lol, its hot. but i dont mind being open-minded, haha, its a good thing! :D
end of common test! yay! maths is horribly tough, damn it. left ques 11 blank. i was like wtf-ing all the way after the paper. haha, damn it. the end of CT, of course must enjoy myself! met up with prej! haha, long time never see her le! haha! went eat at subway, then play bowling. needa run in the rain like crazy, i was drenched totally, like dropped into swimming pool. haha. went play volleyball at sujing's void deck. haha, its damn shiok cos its high ceiling. mum called at 4+ said she was going out but its like still damn early. i am showing the sneaky eyes..[tt] i ask her to go my house when my mum leaves. haha, its damn fun! then she stayed for like 0.5 hour, after invading my house, haha! we kept hearing some noisees so we had thinkings that my mum was back. scared the shit out of me! gonna watch tv, bye all.(:
oh ya! yuheng gotta blog! his the first guy i know to have a blog in our class. haha! and his language is damn funny la!
oh, and ginola sucks, he keeps claiming that i owe him 2 bucks, crap. shall go school and scold him tmr!
went out for lunch today, at Liang court which is like at the other end of yishun, tsk. with my brother, mum and dad. went to the restaurant at Novotel hotel and i cant believe i was wearing causal wear, shorts. haha, so random. my brother and i went to check out audiohouse and its damn big. my mum and dad checked out their stuff themselves. my brother was lalala-ing about putting a new TV in his room. haha, wth. he saw a panasonic tv, $799, he say he want it in his room, crap. i wanna new tv for my room too! though its stilll new.-.- we then saw a huge camera lens which was a 7 figure digit. its damn big and heavy and i wondered who will buy. but there seem to be a lot of ppl who wanna buy, amazed. went kinokuniya. my brother's a member. they are having 20% off storewide. was looking at george owell's books[ author of animal farm] seemed sorta nice. saw stephen king's too. i was quite interested but seriously, the words are too small and its too thick. i am watching their drama though, haha.
went to japanese market, their stuff are really expensive, as in really. their sashimi was 20+ which was just a small little bit. their watermelon was more than 100 bucks. cheat ppl's momey. but i must say, its really big. real big. brother's going to watch movie, at vivo. wth, i wanna watch too. todays the last day of the Da Vinca exibition. i wanna go, sads! i was really quite affected over it when i didn really had time over the past 3 months to just make a visit there. argh, tsk. i realised that elaine and corny was quite interested. haha, wth. its too late. but for like exibits like this, i prefer to go with guys. cos u will like understand what is the opposite sex thinking. prefarbly with just a guy, cos u cant go to this kind of stuff with a big group, otherwise u will definitely cant appreciate the art. just like last time, we will all go for these kinda stuff, with guys. but i really prefer to go with just a guy. haha, but i think the guys in 1 faith just dont suit to go out. cos they are like not those who will go for this. tsk, sads. not like in pri school. haha, i know jermaine will definitely ask me to go. LOL. gotta start studying, bye!
i am looking forward to tmr, after the exams. haha, i am SO GONNA ENJOY THIS.
random message,: Carlsberg, PROBABLY the best beer in the world.
haha, i am finally back at SYFC. i think i wasnt there for a month. haha, did practical today! its damn fun! and, all 6 girls came, haha! janice and E E joined the other group while, me, syazana, corelia and phoebe were in a group ourselves. it was damn funny during grouping cos we are to e in groups of 4. syazana was damn cool cos she told back senior that, no means no. haha, in the end, the two youngeest according to b-dae months went to join the guys.[tt] haha, flew jeremy's plane, found that his plane just suited me. he bullied me, okay? haha, and his plane is DAMN NICE! its white and got 2 strrings dangling behind. haha! he told only me to go and try out taking off and landing the plane. woah, its damn fun! cause his balsa wood plane is totally different from my shitty plastic plane. or the paper planes that i fold in class. haha! then,then, he say,debbie, debbie, please dont crash my plane! i still needa put it for demo in my school. he say if i dont crash, he treat me to drink. cos he say if he teach well, trainer treat him to drink. LOL! anyway, jeremy's hand is injured, seriously. he got burned by iron and there is a big patch there now. damn sad case. hope he get well soon cos i can tell his really in pain. anw,played frisbee after class with phoebe and janice. and when polar bear and trainers walk past, er hem..[janice, cornelia!] *winks to phoebe* haha! oh ya, wayne and harvin were bullyinh rui nah cos her b-dae. they pour water over her! call themselves guy, tsk. and they left their bottles behind! kind-hearted janice went to pick it up. and i am so gonna scold the shit out of wayne and harvin later. and conclusion for today, theres a lot: -i cant throw frisbee. -the frisbee doesnt like phoebe but only janice. -harvin and wayne are gonna be so dead. -phoebe never puts in effort and blames the wind. haha! -janice is so kind-hearted. -the 3 of us finished half the container of water.[the one where u can choose the hot/cold] -jeremy bullies me. retarded jelly-fish! :p -i recieved my rank from corny today! yay! -too bad for that shitty beber that he has to sign over 200+ certs. thats just too bad.
anyway, was tagged by jasmine to do quiz. and she only asked me! tsk. she wanted to see what my messages are all about! privacy!
1. Grab Your Phone. yea, so?
2. What is the 3rd picture of in your phone? unglam pic of phoebe with her crossing her leg while talkin on the phone. haha!
3. What's your ringtone? Sony Ericsson. cause i find the ringtone not very common in s'pore and all the HK dramas use it.
4. Who's the 1st person that comes up under M? macs delivery. cos we order during syfc.
5. Who's the last person you called? Ginola.
6. Who was your last missed call from? Ginola.
7. Who's the 1st person who comes up under C? cheong yeow, cousin!
8. Who's your speed dial number 2? i didn set speed dial.
9. What does 3rd text in ur inbox say? its from ginola, and i really cant say cos it really between the two of us.
10. Who was your last received call from? jasmine's house
11. What does your 2nd sentbox text say? Kelvin[my brother] haven't. i having my common tests, how to upload?!
12. How many messages are currently in your inbox? unlimited. 13. What is the wallpaper? me, brother, sister. taken on a australia bus.
14. Who's speed dial number 1? i told u i didn set speed dial.
15. Who is the 15th message from in your inbox? cornelia!: Hey there's syfc today right? Like no one at the gate waiting for the mini bus one...
16. Who's the 1st person who comes up under B? dont have.
17. How many bars of signal do you currently have? Full!
18. What network are you on? Singtel.
19. Name every person you have a message from in your inbox. hmm, really wanna know? sure. cornelia. elaine. ginola. gladys. janice. jasmine. jixin. jun ru. kelvin. michelle. pearlyn. phoebe. zuoel. 5 mesaages from unknown. 20. What does your 6th text message in your inbox say? kelvin: mm okay okay. Nvm then. u rem call mum to say ur coming home later ah. to jasmine: i have such a loving brother, dont i?
21. Who is the first person in your contacts? Abigail
22. Who is the last name in your contacts? Zuoel
23. What does the last text in your inbox say? ginola: where am i? why u want to know? dont stalk me la. go stalk ur yuheng la. and like what if............ [not saying the last part cos its really private and its our biggest secrets]
24. What is your screensaver? cornelia's class plane. its hung on their window and when theres wind, it will fly. so cool!
25. What is your balance? i dont use prepaid. 26. Who's the last person under H? Hui lee!
27. What is your bluetooth name? *debbie!*
hahaha, jasmine, dont keep thinking abt me messaging ginola. we are best friends okay. and too bad cos my brother messaged me often and we message each other everyday. too bad. and, ginola and i are just pure friends, nothing else. we just share the biggest secrets in the world. nothing else. and its just too bad that u cant see whats in my inbox. :p
went to gladys house to discuss about the aesthetics and stuff today. we decided to do hip hop and malay in the end, with gladys teaching hip hop and me teaching malay. haha, we had a hard time cherographing our own dance. gladys finally invented her own dance after me giving many comments that are quite straight. SO SOORRY, GLADYS FOR BEING TOO STRAIGHT WITH MY COMMENTS! so sorry! gladys was sorta restless for a while, but after some break and stuff, she's up again!
finally, we ended with superb dance! i even asked xueyi for help! haha! gladys punched in all the emotions that were outta place, LOL. she even put out of place emotions for wayne! omg! haha, so lame. sorry for everything!
a) used to say that someone will enjoy something: Listen guys, you're going to love this.
b) used to say that someone will not be pleased about something: I'm going to love telling him we've changed our minds again.
➔ lover -Definition from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
haha, so many definitions. i shall talk about the love for like the kind of love i love a
person, the kind of love which you will wanna spend the rest of your life with first. LOVE-i thought purple is a romantic color. haha,anyway,it taught me a lot of things.
it thought me that it causes you to go crazy and everything else. you may love
someone else deeply but that person dont really give a damn and instead say nasty
things to you, which totally breaks your heart. to me, the opposite sex just does abad
things to you yet make you love him/her. i seen many love scenarios in front of me
before and i always asked,"what makes you love him/her? he/she dont deserve to be
with you." but they always just tell me, because i just love them. whose never been in
love before? i did. and i really hate it. i will always all the love things that happened to
me. PRI 1, this guy from my class asked me to be his girlfriend. but i, who is still
childish and retarded, foolishly said no. and after that, cause of being very close
friends, i found myself in love with him and was totally so for 4 years. damn me. i
regretted so much not agreeing the last time. right now, his at HCI, his brother knew
my brother and were the best of buddies so i will say our family communications
should be of no problem. haha,but its too late. P5, i started being in love with
someone who love me too. i thought i finally found a guy whom i can trust and really
rely on, always supporting me and stuff. we lasted for 2 years. he went to a great
school while i came to KCP. coming to secondary school, i met another guy WHO I
everything and even foolishly broke up with the previous guy to totally love this one.
but when i told all my friends all about it, they asked me if i was sure abouyt this guy. i
was confused, thinking why my friends said this.i expected them to be happy, sharing
joy with me, but they didn. i am greatly disappointed.
the other kind of love, like enjoy. i got nothing to say about this kind of love, because i dont particularly enjoy or liking
something. maybe i just enjoy sessions when i have a good talk and laugh with my
close friends. i think thats what i really enjoy and long for everytime. haha!
what is love to you? haha, i am very interested to know other people's definition of
love and what they think of it. so people, please leave a tag of what you think of love,
thanks! :DDD ps:Ginola so likes his pillow that he had fallen in love with it.
i swear i really hate my mum and not really giving a damn to her anymore.
she is outrageous, unreasonable and bosses people around as if she is the biggest in the whole wide world.
there are so many times i would just wanted to scold fuck in her face.
one great example of my PERFECT mum:
she was acting crazy today since the morning.
she talked damn loud as if we were deaf.
kelvin and i were watching TV and we were in great moods and there she came,
and be a SPOILSPORT.
she scolded us, for not keeping the things properly, so randomly.
then, she scolded my brother for not keeping his bag.
then, she scolded me FOR NOTHING.
she claimed that i should call the school and ask them for a re-test for missing tmr's el and cl common test when i told her many times thats inpossible.
she started ranting like a mad woman and i just slammed the door.
i called the school, and i felt like a total fool when mrs low was talking to me.
cos she was talking damn fast and the background was noisy.
so, i relayed the message to my mum, again.
and i was like practically dui niu tan qing!
she didn even give a damn.
i could just went to her and slap her on the spot la.
pissed off.
wtf man.
heard from jasmine that mrs chan is finally baack.
they had el presetation--patrick, vidurraa and unknown and unknown.
hw for me today:
geog GFA
sci theory
chi zuo ye pg 1 2 4 6 7 8.
all the hw piling up...
waiting for the 17th august.
last day of commonn test, can go bowling with JUNRU!
today was sorta retarded. woke up endless times from 530 then 730(to read junru's sms) and finally at 10. ate cereal and i started to go online while talking to jasmine and meihui while reading the papers. in the afternoon: jasmine told me she was being stalked online at the library. i THOUGHT she was still there and this is our conv.(i shall just copy and paste):
haha, arent our conversation interesting? it has always been interesting. ahh, so random. jasmine is just so funny, forever cheering me up when i am done and being my crraaazzzzyyyy! haha! not forgetting the rest of the girls, esp. elaine and Gladys and pearlyn and junru! ah, too many! i want to take this chance and thank all for you girls. THANKS LOADS! :DDDDD and i will always remember the "gossip sessions" that we had!
psps: haha, regarding jasmine being stalked, i got just 1 thing to say. maybe jasmine is just too hot. haha!
haha, i have been waiting for so long for this rank.
though its the lowest rank, its still better than nothing.
hahahahaha, i am SO HAPPY NOW! :DDDD
and i finally understood when wayne said he was a JCA.
ps: the lowest rank starts from cadet aeromodeller to junior cadet aeromodeller to senior cadet aeromodeller to junior cadet pilot to senior cadet pilot to junior pilot to senior pilot.
haha, i have actually been eyeing on the senior pilot for a long time and i really want to fly a plane.
staying at home didn really suck when you have friends who are online and when your talk abt heavens and the earth again. online the whole day. talked to jasmine and meihui the whole day. AMAZING. realised that my file was in school yesterday and i think i lost it. i cant lose it cos its damn thick, which proves that theres loadsa stuff inside. DAMN. asked yuheng and junru help me find. but i dare to say yuheng didn even bother. thanks junru for helping me look for it. i have no idea where is it. i remember its still with me during chi class, and for after that, i dont know. DAMN. THERES THIS GUY IN MY CLASS WHOM I MENTIONED BEFORE, ASKED ME NOT TO PUT HIS NAME ON MY BLOG. SO I SHALL NICKNAMED HIM AS GINNY. HAHA! i think its pretty obvious for the 1 faithians to know who is it. haha! a GO woman called today. haha asking me what exactly happen, when my fever started and stuff. she claimed that she needed to report to MOE. so i just relate the whole story to her, lame. byesss.(:
hope that i can find my file and pass my common test with flying colours! :D
i have H1N1 now. its pretty scary. i went to the doctors yesterday and they ran a test on me and they tested it positive of H1N1. they stuck sth in my nose and dripped something onto a indicator and there was a line that moved to positive. the doctor said,:" sorry,debbie. but you are tested positive for influenza A." i was shocked but i remained calm and just nodded my head. my mum who was beside me was pretty calm too. which is so-not-her. i was messaging ginola throughout the day so he was the first to know abt this. he thought i was joking so he asked elaine to call me and ask. then elaine told yuheng then yuheng messaged me. i called mrs low when i reached home. i put abt this on my MSn quick message and a lot of ppl came and ask thanks particularly, geriant, phoebe, weiqiang,jianhui,huishan and ginola[not really for ginola]and the rest for cheering me up when i was really down yesterday especially when my temperature was 38.9 my whole face was red,very red. everyone told me to get well soon, they all will pray for me and that i will be fine. they all understand what i am going through. but theres burning question in my mind," who really understands what i am going thru?" i cant even talk now cos i am really having a bad sore throat and running a high fever when meihui called, no sound came out of my mouth no matter how hard i tried. i could only message. i have no voice now, high temperature. this whole thing sucked. i just wish to recover asap and return back to school. i am having math and science test and el and cl common test this coming week and i cant even turn up for a week. sighs.. i will missing out a lot and i think my results will drop again. i am gonna miss the geog woman from the MOE or whatever shit, AGAIN. the last time she came, i remember i was away for the nationals but elaine claimed that i was around just that i was busy talking to yuheng. but really, no! i was really not around. sighs. i am gonna miss everyone so much. the last time when i came back from aust., iwas away for a week too. now, AGAIN. i really hate alll this.
Hello, i am Debbie. Well, i guess you half know that.
I am a damn fan of Supernatural and planes.
A SYFC-ian(Singapore Youth Flying Club) and a pistol shooter.
Try to be funny and i shoot you.
I feel that Singaporeans are seriously narrow-minded. Now in the process of trying to get people to be open-minded.
Friends makes my life. [:
Sometimes when you face tons and sons of bitches out there, you just gotta fight back.
Guys sucks ttm. Oh, i am a sexist, thats why.
Be nice to me, and i will be nice to you. (:
Tag my blog. (: