i think a lot of people have like watched it a million times
i shall say harry potter is great
and each movie is like 2.5 hrs
can sit in front of com for 2.5hrs watching a movie
must seriously put a lot of cushion on my already-cushioned chair
and my butt is like numb now?
Hello, i am Debbie. Well, i guess you half know that.
I am a damn fan of Supernatural and planes.
A SYFC-ian(Singapore Youth Flying Club) and a pistol shooter.
Try to be funny and i shoot you.
I feel that Singaporeans are seriously narrow-minded. Now in the process of trying to get people to be open-minded.
Friends makes my life. [:
Sometimes when you face tons and sons of bitches out there, you just gotta fight back.
Guys sucks ttm. Oh, i am a sexist, thats why.
Be nice to me, and i will be nice to you. (:
Tag my blog. (: